03-Surah Al Imran

Surah Al Imran Online Surah Al Imran is the 3rd Surah and is found in the 3rd Parah of the Holy Quran. This Surah contains 200 verses 3953 words 14755 letters, It is revealed in Madina so-referred to as the “Madani” Surah. And this surah is called the family of Imran. Listen Surah Al Imran…

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04-Surah An Nisa

Surah An Nisa Online Surah An Nisa is the fourth chapter of the Holy Quran, consisting of 176 verses. It covers a wide range of topics, including rules of inheritance, marriage, divorce, and social justice. The name “An-Nisa” means “The Women”, as it discusses the rights and responsibilities of women in Islam. The chapter also…

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05-Surah Al Maidah

Surah Al Maidah Online Surah Al Maidah is the 5th chapter (Surah) of the Quran, consisting of 120 verses. It covers themes related to food laws, belief in Allah and His prophets, principles of justice and fairness, and guidance for living a righteous life Listen surah-Al Maidah & Download surah Al- Maidah with Urdu translation…

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06-Surah Al Anam

Surah Al Anam Online Surah Al Anam is the name of the sixth Surah (chapter) in the Quran. It contains 165 verses and is considered one of the Meccan surahs, which were revealed in the early period of Prophet Muhammad’s prophetic mission. The name “Al-Anam” means “The Cattle” in Arabic and the Surah mentions various…

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07-Surah Al Araf

Surah Al Araf Online Surah Al Araf is the 7th chapter of the Quran and has 206 verses. It was revealed in Mecca and is considered one of the longest surahs in the Quran. The name “Al-Araf” means “the heights” and refers to the barrier between paradise and hell that separates the righteous from the…

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08-Surah Al Anfal

Surah Al Anfal Online Surah Al Anfal is the 8th chapter of the Quran and has 75 verses. It was revealed in Medina and deals with various themes such as warfare, victory, and divine support. The name “Al-Anfal” means “the spoils of war” and the surah covers the events of the Battle of Badr and…

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09-Surah At Taubah

Surah At- Taubah Online Surah At Tau bah is the 9th chapter of the Quran, consisting of 129 verses. It is named after the Arabic word “at-taubah,” which means “repentance.” The Surah addresses themes such as the importance of maintaining a strong relationship with Allah, the importance of fulfilling covenants and treaties, and the duty…

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10-Surah Yunus

Surah Yunus Online Surah Yunus is the 10th chapter of the Quran, consisting of 109 verses. It is named after the Prophet Yunus (Jonah) mentioned in the chapter. The Surah addresses topics such as the importance of faith, the punishment of those who reject the message of Allah, and the mercy and forgiveness of Allah….

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