Empanel Hospitals 2023

Empanel Hospital

Empanel hospitals list

Empanel Hospital

Are you looking for Empanel hospitals that accept Sehat Insaf cards in your area? Look no further than our empaneled hospital list.

Sehat Insaf Card is a health insurance scheme that provides free medical treatment to low-income families in Pakistan. With the card, families can avail of free medical treatment and diagnostic services at empanel hospitals across the country. This initiative has been a game-changer in the healthcare industry, as it allows individuals to receive necessary medical care without worrying about the cost.

To make it easier for you to find empanel hospitals that accept Sehat Insaf Card, we have compiled a list of the best hospitals in your area. Our list includes Empanel hospitals that are known for their exceptional medical services, state-of-the-art facilities, and expert medical staff.

Whether you’re looking for a hospital for general medical care or specialized treatments such as cardiology or neurology, our empaneled hospital list has got you covered. You can easily find hospitals that accept Sehat Insaf Card and get the medical care you need.

But that’s not all. We understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest medical developments and trends. That’s why we regularly update our empanel hospital list to include new hospitals that have joined the Sehat Insaf Card network. This ensures that you have access to the best medical care possible, no matter where you are in Pakistan.

In addition to our empanel hospital list, we also provide information on how to apply for a Sehat Insaf Card and the benefits of the health insurance scheme. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, and we’re here to help you make the most of your Sehat Insaf Card.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a comprehensive empanel hospital list for Sehat Insaf Card, look no further than our website. We provide up-to-date information on the best hospitals in your area, so you can receive the medical care you need without worrying about the cost.

Empanel hospitals are used under The sehat sahulat (SSP) program is a health program where the health card/sehat card is used by the patient to treat different diseases.  As with other insurance programs, the Sehat Sahulat program has a list of predefined hospitals in which Sehat Insaf cardholders can use the services. These are called the Empanel hospitals or sehat card hospitals.

If you seek secondary care for minor conditions, you will receive treatment at a designated Empanel hospital in your district.

If a treatment is not possible at an empanel hospital in your district, the insurance staff will refer you to a bigger sehat card Empanelment hospital in another city, and the treatment will be provided under the program

Except for an emergency like a road traffic accident, if you go to an empanel hospital outside your district without a referral letter, your treatment may be refused under the scheme. You will have to pay for your treatment.

Each program has a separate list of designated hospitals. The sehat card hospital list may vary from time to time. Therefore, you should always check if the Empanel hospital you are visiting is currently at the Empanel hospital. In case you receive treatment outside the Empanel hospitals, the program will not pay for this treatment. You must pay out of your pocket. Sehat card code 8500 or 9780 send your CNIC 13 digits.

 You can check the complete empanel hospitals list here.

Of the above hospitals, the list is available on the state health government site. Here all provinces and all districts impaneled hospitals list available. You can select your district and province and check all hospitals before visiting. You can also generate a list in PDF form. Sehat card EYE Hospital list, click Here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are things to be considered before going to the hospital?

Before going to the Empanel hospital, there are a few important things that you should consider. These include:
Type of hospital: Consider the type of hospital you need to visit based on the type of care you require. For instance, if you have a minor illness or injury, you may visit an urgent care center or a primary care physician. However, for more serious or complex medical conditions, you may need to visit a specialized hospital or a tertiary care center.
Insurance coverage: Check your insurance coverage and ensure that the hospital you plan to visit is covered under your insurance plan. This will help you avoid any unexpected medical bills or out-of-pocket expenses.
Doctor’s referral: If your medical condition requires specialist care, you may need a referral from your primary care physician. Make sure to obtain the necessary referral before visiting a specialist or a specialized hospital.
Hospital reputation: Do some research on the empanel hospital’s reputation, quality of care, and patient satisfaction ratings. You can check online reviews or ask for recommendations from friends and family who may have received care at the hospital before.
Hospital location: Consider the location of the hospital and how easy it is to access. If you have a medical emergency, you may need to visit the nearest Empanel hospital. However, for non-emergency care, you may prefer a hospital that is closer to your home or workplace.
Time and day of visit: Consider the time and day of your visit to the hospital. Visiting during off-peak hours may help you avoid long wait times and overcrowding. Additionally, visiting on weekdays may be less busy than on weekends.

 How many times can I use the card in the Empanel hospital?

The number of times you can use your card in the hospital depends on the specific type of card you have and the terms and conditions of your healthcare plan.
For instance, if you have a Sehat Insaf Card in Pakistan, you can use it multiple times for free medical treatment and diagnostic services at empaneled hospitals across the country. The card is valid for one year from the date of issuance, and you can use it as many times as needed during this period.
However, there may be limitations on the type and extent of medical care covered by the card, as well as restrictions on the number of times you can avail of certain services. For example, certain procedures or tests may have a limit on the number of times you can avail of them per year or treatment cycle.
It’s important to carefully review the terms and conditions of your healthcare plan and talk to your healthcare provider to understand the scope of your coverage and any limitations or restrictions that may apply. This will help you make informed decisions about your healthcare needs and ensure that you can use your card effectively and efficiently.

I visited the hospital, and they didn’t offer me admission or refused to give treatment on Sehat Card. What can I do?

If you visited a hospital with your Sehat Card, and they refused to give you treatment or admission, there are a few things you can do:
Ask for an explanation: Ask the hospital staff to explain why they are refusing to accept your Sehat Card. There may have been a misunderstanding or an error in the billing process.
Show your card and ID: Make sure that you are carrying your Sehat Card and a valid ID at the time of your visit. If the hospital staff is still refusing to accept your card, ask to speak with a supervisor or a manager.
Contact the Sehat Sahulat Program helpline: If the hospital continues to refuse to accept your Sehat Card, you can contact the Sehat Sahulat Program helpline at 0800-09009 for assistance. They can help resolve any issues with the hospital or provide guidance on the next steps.
File a complaint: If you are still facing difficulties, you can file a complaint with the Sehat Sahulat Program or the relevant healthcare regulatory authority in your region.

 Where should I complain or give feedback about the Health card/sehat card?

If you have a complaint or feedback about the Sehat Card or any other health card program, there are several ways to report your concerns:
Sehat Sahulat Program Helpline: You can contact the Sehat Sahulat Program helpline at 0800-09009 to register a complaint or provide feedback.
Complaint Portal: You can also submit your complaint or feedback on the official Sehat Sahulat Program Complaint Portal, which can be accessed through their website or mobile application.
Ombudsman: You can also file a complaint with the Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan, which is an independent government body that addresses complaints related to public service delivery.
Healthcare Regulatory Authority: Depending on your location, you can also contact the relevant healthcare regulatory authority in your region to report any complaints or feedback about the Sehat Card or any other healthcare program.
When submitting a complaint or feedback, it’s important to provide as much detail as possible, including your Sehat Card number, the name, and location of the hospital, and the nature of the complaint or feedback. This will help the authorities investigate the issue and take appropriate action to resolve it.

Where can I get my sehat Card?

If you are a resident of Pakistan and want to get a Sehat Card, you can follow the steps below:
Check eligibility: The Sehat Sahulat Program is designed to provide free medical treatment and diagnostic services to underprivileged families in Pakistan. To be eligible for the card, you must be a Pakistani citizen, below the poverty line, and not a government employee.
Registration: You can register for the Sehat Card by visiting the nearest registration center or downloading the Sehat Sahulat Program mobile application. You will need to provide your CNIC number, household information, and contact details during the registration process.
Verification: Your application will be verified by the Sehat Sahulat Program team to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria. Once your application is approved, you will be issued a Sehat Card.
Card Activation: You can activate your Sehat Card by calling the Sehat Sahulat Program helpline at 0800-09009. You will need to provide your card details and CNIC number to activate your card.
Use of Sehat Card: Once your Sehat Card is activated, you can use it to avail free medical treatment and diagnostic services at any empaneled hospital across Pakistan.

Which hospitals are included in sehat card?

The hospitals included in the Sehat Sahulat Program, which is the program under which Sehat Cards are issued, are known as empaneled hospitals. These hospitals have been selected by the government of Pakistan to provide free medical treatment and diagnostic services to Sehat Cardholders.
The list of empaneled hospitals under the Sehat Sahulat Program is available on the official Sehat Sahulat Program website and mobile application. The list includes both public and private hospitals across all districts of Pakistan.
To find an empaneled hospital near you, you can visit the Sehat Sahulat Program website or mobile application and search for hospitals by district or location. You can also contact the Sehat Sahulat Program helpline at 0800-09009 for assistance in locating an empaneled hospital.
It’s important to note that while the Sehat Card provides free medical treatment and diagnostic services at empaneled hospitals, there may be certain limitations and exclusions based on the specific program and the medical condition being treated. It’s always a good idea to check with the hospital or the Sehat Sahulat Program helpline for more information before seeking medical treatment.

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