Disease coverage

Disease Coverage

Sehat card disease coverages

Disease Coverage

Health is one of the foundational human needs. The Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran khan today launched the sehat card/Health card at Lahore who is a chairman of pakistan tehreek-e-insaf (PTI) That’s why sehat card is also called PM imran khan card,sehat insaf card and PTI health card.Through Health/sehat Card all financial obligations are transferred and no payment is received by any patient.Using the sehat card/health card eligible families will be able to avail free medical treatment of up to 1 million (10 lakh) rupees per year.

Disease coverage list

Tertiary coverage:

  • Adult
  • Congenital
  • IDDM insulin therapy refills for a period of one month after discharge
  • Life and limb saving including Implants and prosthesis
  • Road Traffic Accidents
  • Burns
  • Hepatic
  • Renal
  • Cardio-Pulmonary
  • HCV & HBV Complications
  • HIV complications
  • Chemotherapy (Day care or hospitalization)
  • Radiotherapy (Day care or hospitalization)
  • Medical and surgical management requiring hospitalization

Secondary coverage:

  • In-Patient Services (All Medical and Surgical Procedures).
  • Emergency treatment that requires admission.
  • Maternity services (Normal Delivery and C – Section).
  • Maternity Consultancy / Antenatal Check-ups (4 times before delivery and one follow-up check-up after delivery).
  • Maternal Consultancy for family planning, immunization and nutrition.
  • Fractures / Injuries.
  • Heart diseases (Angioplasty/bypass).
  • Diabetes Mellitus Complication.
  • Burns and RTA (Life, Limb Saving Treatment, implants, Prosthesis).
  • End-stage kidney diseases/ dialysis.
  • Complication of Chronic infections (Hepatitis/HIV/Rheumatology).
  • Organ Failure (Liver, Kidney, Heart, Lungs).
  • Cancer (Chemo, Radio, Surgery).
  • Neurosurgical Procedure.
  • Thalassemia
  • Kidney Transplant

For full list of covered diseases click here


the Sehat Card’s disease coverages play a pivotal role in safeguarding the health and well-being of the population by providing essential medical services and treatments. The comprehensive nature of the program, encompassing a wide range of diseases and medical conditions, ensures that eligible individuals have access to vital healthcare resources without facing financial barriers.

The inclusion of major illnesses, such as heart diseases, cancer, and chronic conditions, reflects a commitment to addressing the most prevalent health challenges faced by the population. By covering these critical diseases, the Sehat Card not only improves the chances of early detection and effective treatment but also contributes to reducing the overall burden on the healthcare system.

Moreover, the Sehat Card’s disease coverages promote preventive care and health awareness among beneficiaries. By offering coverage for vaccinations, screenings, and preventive measures, the program fosters a proactive approach to healthcare, ultimately leading to a healthier and more resilient society.

However, to ensure the program’s long-term success and sustainability, it is essential for the government and relevant authorities to regularly review and update the disease coverages. As new medical advancements emerge and the healthcare landscape evolves, continuous efforts to expand and adapt the Sehat Card’s coverage will be crucial in meeting the changing needs of the population.

In conclusion, the Sehat Card’s disease coverages are a critical step towards achieving universal healthcare accessibility, contributing significantly to the nation’s progress in attaining better health outcomes for all citizens. By prioritizing inclusivity, affordability, and quality in healthcare services, the Sehat Card stands as a testament to the government’s commitment to the well-being of its people. Through sustained efforts and a collaborative approach, the Sehat Card program has the potential to become a transformative force in the realm of healthcare, ensuring a healthier and more prosperous future for the entire nation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

 How many times can I use a health card/sehat card?

The family can benefit from the card till the cash limit is over. Additional financial allocation can be made to families in life-threatening conditions including Kidney transplant, Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases and Intensive Care. Annual allocation per family per year will be refilled to the full amount after completion of one year.

May I use a Sehat Card/health card that is in my parents’ name?

Yes, you can but only if you are unmarried. If you are married then your parents’ card will not apply to you

I am enrolled for sehat card/health card.How do I use it?

Visit the sehat card/health card counter in any empaneled hospital of your choice to verify your CNIC. After verification of your CNIC, a referral letter will be given to you to avail free of cost health services in case of admission

How to check the eligibility for the program?

Any permanent resident of Punjab province can send his/her CNIC number in an SMS to 8500 to check his/her eligibility for the program. The person will get a message within a few minutes, letting him/her know about the eligibility.

Where can I get my Health Card?

Your CNIC is your Sehat Card: If you are eligible, you can use your CNIC card as your Sehat Card. Take your original CNIC when you visit the empaneled Government/ Private hospital. For your assistance 
 A hospital Facilitation Officer (HFO) will be available in the hospital to facilitate the requirements related to admission through “Qaumi Sehat Card”.

Who is included in a family?

The coverage of family includes;
Husband & Wife.
Their unmarried children.
Children born in the empaneled hospitals would automatically be added into the family.

 What if my treatment cost exceeds the benefit limit?

If a beneficiary is admitted to an empaneled hospital and their coverage limit is exhausted, the treatment of the same admission will be continued. Similarly, if a beneficiary needs treatment for a life-threatening condition, or for maternity/delivery cases, they shall be provided with the services even if their limit is already exhausted.

Where should I lodge a complaint or give feedback about health card/sehat card?

You can submit your complaint or feedback in any of the following ways:
Call on our toll-free number 0800-89898
Email your complaint/feedback to: feedback@sehatcardplus.gov.pk
Register online complaint/feedback on this website in the Contact page