07-Surah Al Araf

Surah Al Araf Online

Surah Al Araf is the 7th chapter of the Quran and has 206 verses. It was revealed in Mecca and is considered one of the longest surahs in the Quran. The name “Al-Araf” means “the heights” and refers to the barrier between paradise and hell that separates the righteous from the wicked. The surah covers various themes such as the creation of man, the nature of belief and disbelief, the stories of the prophets, and the day of judgment. It also emphasizes the importance of following the guidance of Allah and avoiding sin.

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Surah Al Araf with Urdu translation

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surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf
surah Al araf

surah Al araf video


Benefits of Surah Al Araf

Here are some of the benefits of reciting Surah Al-Araf:

  1. Increases knowledge: The surah contains stories of the prophets and lessons about belief and disbelief, which can increase an individual’s knowledge of Islam.
  2. Promotes good deeds: The surah encourages righteous behavior and warns against sin, which can lead to greater spiritual growth and an increase in good deeds.
  3. Brings closeness to Allah: Reciting Surah Al-Araf is believed to bring individuals closer to Allah and increase their spiritual connection to Him.
  4. Encourages reflection: The surah’s emphasis on the day of judgment can encourage individuals to reflect on their actions and behavior, leading to greater self-awareness and self-improvement.
  5. Provides comfort: The surah includes verses that provide comfort and reassurance to believers, especially in times of difficulty.

It is important to note that the benefits of reciting Surah Al-Araf are not limited to these examples, and can vary from person to person based on their individual beliefs and experiences.

If you read more surah of the Quran then click here

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