18-Surah Al Kahf (The cave)

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Surah Al Kahf is the 18th chapter of the Quran, consisting of 110 verses. It is named after the story of the cave mentioned in verses 9-26. The surah teaches about the importance of faith, patience, and perseverance in the face of challenges and temptations. The surah also touches on topics such as the truth of the divine message, the story of Moses and Pharaoh, and the story of Dhul-Qarnayn.

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Surah al Kahf

Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf
Surah al Kahf

Surah Al Kahf video

Benefits of Surah Al Kahf

There are several benefits to reciting Surah Al-Kahf, including:

  1. Protection from Dajjal (the Antichrist) – it is believed that one who memorizes and recites this surah will be protected from the trials and tribulations of the Dajjal.
  2. Increase in Knowledge – recitation of Surah Al-Kahf is said to increase one’s knowledge and wisdom.
  3. Protection from darkness—the surah is believed to bring light to one’s heart and protect one from the darkness of ignorance.
  4. Increase in Wealth – it is believed that recitation of this surah can increase one’s wealth and prosperity.
  5. Mercy and Forgiveness – recitation of Surah Al-Kahf is said to bring blessings and forgiveness from Allah.
  6. Protection from anxiety and fear – the surah is believed to bring peace and calm to one’s heart and protect them from anxiety and fear.

These benefits are based on the beliefs and teachings of Islamic tradition, and reciting the surah is considered a good deed and act of worship.

If you read more surah of the Quran then click here

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