15-Surah Al Hijr read online

Surah Al Hijr

Surah Al Hijr (Chapter 15) is a Meccan surah of the Quran, consisting of 99 verses. It was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ during his early preaching in Mecca. The surah discusses topics such as the creation of man and the foolishness of idol worship. It also emphasizes the importance of following the message of the Prophet and the consequences of disbelief.

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Surah Al Hijr with Urdu translation

Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr
Surah Al Hijr

Surah Al-Hijr video


Benefits of Surah Al Hijr

Some benefits of Surah Al-Hijr include:

  1. Protection against disbelief: It reminds us of the consequences of disbelief and the importance of following the message of the Prophet.
  2. Emphasizes the power of Allah: The surah highlights the power and greatness of Allah, and His ability to create and sustain the universe.
  3. Strengthening of faith: Reading and reflecting on the verses of this surah can increase one’s faith and belief in Allah.
  4. Guidance for humanity: The surah provides guidance on how to live a virtuous life and how to avoid wrongdoing.
  5. Inspiration for reflection: The verses of Surah Al-Hijr encourage reflection on the wonders of creation and the lessons they teach.
  6. Encouragement to seek knowledge: The surah emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge and understanding Allah’s creation.

If you read more surah of the Quran then click here

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