12-Surah Yusuf (Prophet Yusuf)

Surah-Yusuf Online

Surah Yusuf is the 12th surah (chapter) of the Quran, with 111 verses. It is named after the prophet Yusuf (Joseph) and covers the story of his life, from his childhood to his rise to prominence in Egypt. The surah highlights the themes of family relationships, temptation, faith, and the power of forgiveness. The story of Yusuf teaches important lessons about the trials and tribulations of life, and how one can remain steadfast in faith even in difficult circumstances. The surah ends with a reminder of the ultimate fate of the righteous and the wicked.

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Surah Yusuf with Urdu translation

Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf
Surah Yusuf

Benefits of Surah Yusuf

The benefits of reciting Surah Yusuf include:

  1. Increase in faith and belief in God
  2. Protection from evil and danger
  3. Improved relationships and family ties
  4. Forgiveness of sins
  5. Increased wisdom and understanding of life’s trials and tribulations
  6. Better decision-making skills
  7. Improved patience and perseverance.

Reciting this surah regularly is considered to bring blessings and rewards in both this life and the hereafter, and to improve one’s interpersonal relationships and resolve family conflicts.

If you read more surah of the Quran then click here

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