99-Surah Al zalzalah

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Surah Al Zalzalah (The Earthquake) is the 99th chapter of the Quran. It has 8 verses and is considered to be a Meccan surah.

The surah is named after the word “AL zalzalah” which appears in verse 1 and is usually translated as “earthquake” or “tremors”.

The surah discusses the Day of Judgement when everyone will be held accountable for their actions in this world.

It describes the terror and destruction that will occur on that day and emphasizes the importance of good deeds and righteousness in preparation for the Day of Judgement.

It also warns against the vanity of worldly pursuits and the futility of denying the existence of God and the accountability of the afterlife.

It also emphasizes the importance of being mindful of the end and the accountability that is to come. It also calls out to non-believers to believe in the oneness of god and the day of judgment.

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Surah zalzalah with Urdu Translation

Surah zalzalah

Benefits of surah Al zalzalah

Surah Al Zalzalah is believed to have many benefits for those who recite it regularly. Some of the benefits that are commonly associated with this surah include:

  1. Protection from natural disasters: The surah is named after the word “zalzalah” which refers to an earthquake, and it is believed that reciting this surah can protect one from natural disasters such as earthquakes.
  2. A reminder of the Day of Judgement: The surah is a reminder of the Day of Judgement and the importance of being prepared for it by doing good deeds and avoiding sins.
  3. Protection from evil and harm: The surah is believed to protect one from evil and harm, and to keep one safe from the mischief of Satan.
  4. Forgiveness of sins: The surah is believed to help in the forgiveness of sins if recited regularly.
  5. A source of guidance and enlightenment: The surah is believed to guide and enlighten those who recite it, helping them to understand the true nature of God and the importance of righteousness in this life.

It is worth mentioning that it is important to understand the meaning of the surah and act upon the teachings for the benefits to be effective.

Importance of surah AL zalzalah

Surah Al Zalzalah is considered to be an important chapter of the Quran for several reasons:

  1. It serves as a reminder of the Day of Judgement: The surah emphasizes the importance of being prepared for the Day of Judgement by doing good deeds and avoiding sins. It serves as a reminder that this life is temporary and that everyone will be held accountable for their actions in the afterlife.
  2. It emphasizes the importance of righteousness: The surah calls on believers to be mindful of the end and to be righteous in their actions. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of following the teachings of Islam and living a moral and ethical life.
  3. It serves as a warning to non-believers: The surah serves as a warning to non-believers who reject the message of Islam, emphasizing the futility of denying the existence of God and the accountability of the afterlife.
  4. It serves as a source of guidance and enlightenment: The surah is believed to guide and enlighten those who recite it, helping them to understand the true nature of God and the importance of righteousness in this life.
  5. It serves as a reminder of the power of God: The surah describes the terror and destruction that will occur on the Day of Judgement and emphasizes the power of God. It serves as a reminder that God is the ultimate judge and that everything that happens in this world is under his control.

It is also worth mentioning that reciting and studying the Quran as a whole and not just a single surah, can provide a deeper understanding of the teachings of Islam and help in spiritual growth.

Wzaif of surah zalzalah

There are several traditional Islamic practices, known as “wazaif,” that involve reciting Surah Al Zalzalah for specific purposes or to achieve certain benefits. Some of this wazaif include:

  1. Reciting Surah Al Zalzalah seven times after the morning prayers: This is believed to bring protection and safety from natural disasters and other harms.
  2. Reciting Surah Al Zalzalah three times after the evening prayers: This is believed to help in the forgiveness of sins and to provide protection from evil and harm.
  3. Reciting Surah Al Zalzalah 41 times after the dawn prayers: This is believed to bring success in one’s endeavors, protection from the evil eye, and help in the attainment of one’s goals.
  4. Reciting Surah Al Zalzalah 100 times after the evening prayers: This is believed to bring prosperity and success, and to help in the attainment of one’s goals.
  5. Reciting Surah Al Zalzalah before going to sleep: This is believed to bring protection during the night and to help in the forgiveness of sins.

It is important to note that these traditional Islamic practices are not based on scientific evidence and it is important to be mindful of the intention behind doing this wazaif, as it should be to seek the pleasure of Allah and not for personal gain.

If you read more surah of the Quran then click here

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