LinkedIn InMail Success: Discover the Hidden Formula

LinkedIn InMail

LinkedIn InMail, an exclusive premium feature offered by LinkedIn, serves as a direct pathway to the inboxes of fellow LinkedIn members. Widely regarded as one of LinkedIn’s most potent tools, it holds immense value for individuals and organizations alike, effectively justifying the investment in a premium subscription. In this new era of social selling, leveraging the power of a well-crafted LinkedIn InMail can unlock a plethora of opportunities for both salespeople and recruiters. Let’s delve into the secret behind crafting a truly successful message.

It’s crucial to recognize that a single, impactful LinkedIn InMail has the potential to seal a game-changing business deal or secure a highly sought-after talent for your organization.

With an astonishing 4 out of 5 LinkedIn users holding the authority to influence business decisions, this social media platform demands your attention. In fact, top-performing sales professionals, who consistently outperform their peers by closing 51% more deals, attribute their success to networking platforms such as LinkedIn. Furthermore, when it comes to sourcing top-notch talent, LinkedIn reigns supreme, with over 75% of recent job switchers utilizing the platform to navigate their career paths.

The key to a successful LinkedIn InMail

Let’s first talk what a LinkedIn InMail is after which we are able to take a deep dive into how to create a successful one.

What is a LinkedIn InMail?

Introducing the LinkedIn InMail: a powerful, personalized, and secure messaging tool designed to facilitate direct communication with any LinkedIn user, even those outside your immediate network. With this feature, you gain the ability to reach out to your 2nd and 3rd degree connections, forging valuable connections and expanding your professional network.

As defined by LinkedIn itself, an InMail allows you to send direct messages to fellow LinkedIn members with whom you’re not yet connected. It’s important to note that your existing connections on LinkedIn fall into the category of 1st degree connections, providing you with an established rapport and direct line of communication.

How many LinkedIn InMails do you get with LinkedIn premium?

The allocation of InMail “credits” is contingent upon the type of LinkedIn premium subscription you possess. For instance, LinkedIn Sales Navigator’s “professional” version provides users with a generous monthly allowance of 20 InMails. To determine the exact number of InMail credits at your disposal, simply refer to your Premium subscription page. It’s essential to stay informed about your credit limit to make the most of your LinkedIn messaging capabilities.

What is the difference between an InMail and message on LinkedIn?

There is an important difference between a LinkedIn Message and a LinkedIn InMail. A LinkedIn message is an email or message between your 1st degree connections. A LinkedIn InMail is an email between your 2nd and 3rd degree connections.

Why use a LinkedIn InMail?

A LinkedIn InMail is one of most credible means of communications for salespeople and others who use LinkedIn. When you use it consistently, your LinkedIn InMail approach can work in opening doors to meeting new people on LinkedIn. If you’re not talking to your customer, your competitor most likely will be through channels such as LinkedIn InMail.

Does LinkedIn InMail really work and what is a good response rate?

When utilized effectively, a well-crafted LinkedIn InMail can yield a noteworthy response rate ranging from 10 to 25%. Remarkably, the impact of an InMail surpasses that of a conventional email, with a staggering threefold increase in effectiveness when executed correctly. These statistics underscore the immense potential that lies within a strategically composed LinkedIn InMail, making it a powerful tool for engaging with your professional network and achieving desired outcomes.

What is the best time to send InMail?

Determining the ideal timing for sending a LinkedIn InMail largely relies on experimentation and testing to find what works best for you. However, according to LinkedIn’s insights, the optimal window for maximizing response rates is typically between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., local time, on weekdays. During this timeframe, professionals are more likely to engage with LinkedIn messages, enhancing the chances of a fruitful interaction. On the flip side, Saturdays tend to yield the least favorable outcomes, with a 16% lower likelihood of receiving a response via LinkedIn. As you embark on your InMail journey, remember that strategic timing can significantly impact the effectiveness of your outreach efforts.

How to write a LinkedIn InMail message that will actually be read

The primary objective behind a LinkedIn InMail is to establish a solid foundation for engaging in meaningful conversations. It’s important to refrain from directly requesting a meeting through this channel. Instead, focus on delivering potential value by addressing relevant problems or issues that, if ignored, could result in significant financial repercussions (e.g., costing you thousands of dollars). Another effective approach is to craft an InMail that sparks curiosity, prompting your recipient to inquire further about the topic at hand. The key is to kickstart a warm conversation by providing valuable insights and igniting their interest. By adhering to these principles, you can pave the way for fruitful interactions and build lasting professional connections.

How to send an effective LinkedIn InMail

In order to create a compelling LinkedIn InMail, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research on the recipient, delving into their background, hobbies, and identifying any commonalities. Personalization is key, so take the time to explore their LinkedIn profile, searching for shared interests, connections, or professional experiences.

Remember, your InMail should revolve around the recipient, not yourself. Begin the message by addressing them using their first name, and conclude with a friendly mention of their name as well. Avoid immediately pitching your products or services or attempting to overly impress the individual. There’s no need to provide excessive details upfront.

Your primary objective is to ignite their curiosity. Your InMail should leave them thinking, “I’m intrigued, let me respond to learn more.”

When making a request or seeking a decision, employ polite yet firm language. Instead of saying “let me know if you’re interested,” opt for a phrase such as “let me know what you decide.” Above all, ensure that your entire LinkedIn InMail message can be easily scanned or skimmed at a glance.

How long should your LinkedIn InMail be?

That’s a good question. Where do you think most LinkedIn InMails are read? On someone’s desktop computer or their mobile phone?

Wait for it…

The answer is mobile. Why? Because 57% of traffic to LinkedIn is mobile. LinkedIn wants to provide a seamless experience on mobile.

Real estate is extremely limited on mobile so use it wisely.

Be brief with your message so you can increase your likelihood of a response. LinkedIn InMail messages can have up to 200 characters in the subject line. They can have up to 1,900 characters in the body of the InMail.

Pro tip: Your email signature is counted in the total number of available characters so make sure you keep this into account.

The anatomy of a good LinkedIn InMail structure

What should an ideal LinkedIn InMail look like? Let’s take a look at the two common ways to structure your LinkedIn InMail.

LinkedIn InMail Structure #1

When constructing a LinkedIn InMail, it’s advisable to follow a structured approach that encompasses four key areas:

  1. Insight
  2. Challenge
  3. Solution
  4. Next step

Now, let’s examine a well-executed LinkedIn InMail example to identify how these elements were effectively incorporated using this established framework.

LinkedIn InMail

What did this LinkedIn InMail do right?

In analyzing the aforementioned example, it becomes evident that the sender employed a well-crafted subject line, which we will delve into further later in this article. Moving on to the insights section, they set the context by extending congratulations to the recipient for their tenure at their current company. In the challenge section, the sender highlights the prevailing practices of successful professionals in today’s dynamic environment and the specific challenge they face. Offering a solution, the sender outlines a strategic approach to address this challenge effectively. Finally, in the next step section, the sender provides their availability to schedule a conversation and expresses their willingness to assist the recipient in overcoming the stated challenge using the proposed solution.

LinkedIn offers a wealth of examples showcasing effective LinkedIn InMails catering to various professional roles.

Now, let’s explore an alternative approach to structuring your LinkedIn InMail.

LinkedIn InMail Structure #2

An alternative approach to structuring your LinkedIn InMail is to use these four areas:

  1. Ice breaker
  2. Introduction
  3. Wow-factor
  4. Call to action

Let’s take a deep dive into each one of these.

1. Ice Breaker

In order to capture someone’s attention and initiate a meaningful conversation, an ice breaker serves as an effective tool. By employing a personalized approach, you can make an immediate impact. Here are a couple of examples:

“Hi [insert first name], I noticed that you’ve recently assumed the role of [insert job title]. Congratulations on the achievement!”

“Hi [insert first name], I’ve just finished reading your latest [insert blog post, LinkedIn article, industry/business article, etc.], and I particularly enjoyed [insert specific aspect or insight].”

Using these tailored ice breakers, you can establish a connection and open the door for engaging discussions on LinkedIn.

2. Introduction

When crafting an introduction for a LinkedIn InMail, it’s essential to provide a clear answer to the recipient’s question: “Who are you and why are you reaching out?” Consider using one of the following approaches:

“I specialize in collaborating with industry leaders in [insert your industry], offering my expertise on [insert type] projects.”

“As a [insert your job title], I am currently working closely with [insert number] of your connections at [insert company], assisting them with their [insert your solution] strategy.”

“At [insert your company], I hold a key role in [insert what you are responsible for], providing consultations to valued partners such as [insert partner names] on optimizing [insert your industry].”

Additionally, leverage your existing relationships to uncover meaningful points of connection. Highlight shared experiences or interests that you may have in common. By emphasizing this common ground, you increase the likelihood of a positive response from the recipient.

3. Wow factor

To make your company truly stand out, it’s crucial to incorporate a compelling “wow factor” that showcases your extensive knowledge of specific topics, industries, and trends. In the realm of sales, Gartner refers to this as a “commercial insight” or “commercial teaching.”

According to Gartner, this approach proves highly effective in differentiating your solution in the eyes of the customer. It involves synthesizing a unique conclusion by leveraging a combination of facts, data, trends, experiences, and customer observations.

For instance, consider crafting a message like the following:

“I recently came across the remarkable growth of [insert topic] in your organization, with an impressive [insert percentage] % increase over the past [insert number of months]. This achievement is particularly noteworthy, given today’s challenging economic conditions. With my background in [insert your background], I’m curious to learn more about how you [insert your question].”

“Did you know that [insert topic], which happens to be your top revenue-generating sector, is projected to experience a significant [insert percentage] % increase in investment this year in [insert country] alone? To capitalize on this exciting development within [topic], it would be wise to [insert answer].”

By incorporating these impactful “wow factor” elements, you can effectively engage your audience and establish yourself as an authoritative figure in your field.

4. Call to action

The final part of your LinkedIn InMail should outline a clear and succinct next step aligned with the overall goal of your message.

Consider incorporating phrases like:

“I have some availability next week, specifically on Wednesday or Thursday at 2:00 p.m. Would it be possible to schedule a 15-minute phone call during that time to delve deeper into our discussion?”

“We have an upcoming event at [insert location] on [insert date], centered around [insert topic of the event]. It would be wonderful if you could join us. Are you available on that day?”

“If you’re interested in learning more about how we achieved the aforementioned results, I’ll be in town during [insert week or specific days]. Would you be available for a coffee or lunch meeting to explore further?”

Remember, the purpose of your LinkedIn InMail is to initiate a conversation rather than aiming to seal the deal with the initial contact. Just like in dating, you don’t get married on the first date, and in the business world, opportunities and recruitment processes require nurturing and subsequent interactions.

LinkedIn InMail best practices: What are the do’s and don’ts?

If you want to boost your response rates and engagement with LinkedIn InMails, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the dos and don’ts of this communication method. By adhering to the best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can maximize the effectiveness of your LinkedIn outreach efforts. Let’s explore the key guidelines for crafting impactful and successful InMails.


  • Consider the number of InMail credits you have left before writing an InMail
  • Have a goal for the InMail – get on a conference call, meet in person, or share information over LinkedIn
  • Ask a question – humans are psychologically programmed to want to answer questions
  • Use the word “connecting” instead of “meeting”
  • Send a connection request and then immediately follow with a sales pitch
  • Establish a two-way conversation
  • Be personal and look to start a conversation
  • Customize your signature and include your contact information


  • Brag about your customer list and your company’s growth
  • Ask who the best person to speak is – it shows you haven’t done your homework
  • Don’t name drop that you talked to the CEO and that he/she recommends they talk to you
  • Position or qualify yourself and your company’s products and services right away
  • Use email subject lines that spark a “yes or no” answer
  • Write more than 7 sentences
  • Using the word “I” too much
  • Waste the recipients time or make them feel tricked
  • Use a mass template

The power of the subject line

Are you aware that a staggering 35% of email recipients make their decision to open an email solely based on the subject line? Crafting a compelling subject line is therefore vital to capturing their attention from the outset, whether it’s by highlighting a trending business topic or adding a personalized touch.

To help you kickstart your subject line creativity, here are ten ideas:

  1. Did you know about [insert a topic]?
  2. Unveiling the advantages of [insert a topic]
  3. How does the new [industry/legislation change] impact [you/company]?
  4. A question about [insert one of their goals you found online]
  5. I’ve prepared a comprehensive report on your company’s [business area or strategy]. Would you like to review it?
  6. Hi [insert person’s first name], have a moment to answer [insert your question]?
  7. Considering [insert fact/stat], what’s your strategy for [insert business area]?
  8. Exploring the potential of [insert a “change” topic]. Have you considered it?
  9. Interested in discovering how [insert company name] achieved [insert stat/results] by implementing [insert action/tactic]?
  10. Was it your idea to pursue [insert topic]?

These subject line suggestions can help you pique curiosity, spark interest, and encourage recipients to engage with your LinkedIn InMail.

Use a subject line tool to test

An alternative approach to crafting an excellent email subject line is to utilize tools like Co-Schedule’s Headline Analyzer. By running your subject line through this tool, you can assess its performance and receive a numerical score. The higher the score, the more effective your subject line is likely to be.

LinkedIn InMail

Another helpful tool in this regard is, which has tested over 7 million subject lines. With, you can evaluate your various subject line options. The tool provides both a deliverability and marketing score, offering insights into the potential impact of your subject line. Furthermore, offers valuable advice on enhancing your subject line to optimize its effectiveness.

LinkedIn InMail subject line

Should I email or LinkedIn email?

Determining the response to an unsolicited email, whether it’s a traditional email or a LinkedIn InMail, can vary greatly. People’s reactions to such messages often fall into the category depicted in the accompanying photo below.


You may have experienced this above reaction before, and you don’t want a negative reaction from your recipient. The reaction you are looking for is a positive first impression where the person says that the sender really took their time to do their homework and personalize their message to me.

The reaction you want is that the sender wants to speak to me about this topic because I’m responsible for this in my job. As a result, you want your recipient to understand the next steps such as schedule a 15-minute call. You want the recipient to view your LinkedIn profile, so they are curious who you are.

Are you creating a good first impression with your LinkedIn InMail with a “wow” factor? It is important to position yourself and your company in the best light to build credibility and trust.

After viewing your InMail, prospects most likely will jump to your LinkedIn profile to see who you are and whether you are worth talking to.

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